Chapter 2 - Considering the Self

The Online Self

I spend a lot of time on the internet, whether it be scrolling through memes on social media, or playing video games for hours, I interact with a lot of people I've never met before. Sometimes a stranger will say something I don't agree with, or something toxic after a rough online game, and I catch myself about to clap back with an insult or a rebuttal. I've realized that sometimes it's best to ignore people instead of stooping to their level. I learned from my mother that by interacting with stubborn people on the internet, you show everyone that you are no better than the person you are arguing with, and that no one will think you are any more intelligent than the other. 

    Sometimes it's hard not to speak your mind, but by remaining calm and mature on the internet, people will see you in a better light. In the future when I will apply for an important job, it will be invaluable to convey a responsible and reasonable demeanor when online. So whenever I'm about to dispute an argumentative comment, I find myself pressing backspace, and consider that whatever I may say will remain, and whether it is really worth the time or trouble. 


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