Chapter 3 - Perceiving Others

Halo and Horn Effects

The Halo and Horn effects are two effects that some people use to perceive others. These effects are known as Gestalts, which are general perceptions of people. The Halo effect is when someone has a positive view of another person, regardless of what they do, due to the, having a positive Gestalt of them. The opposite of the Halo effect is the Horn effect. The Horn effect is when someone has a negative view of someone else, regardless of what they do, because they have a negative Gestalt of them.

    A time where I've experienced the Halo effect is with one of my old friends. I was best friends with them so I had developed a positive Gestalt of them. Because of it, I thought that they wouldn't ever lead me astray and that I could trust them. At the time we were young, so I would follow him and we would get into trouble all the time, but because I had a positive gestalt of him, I didn't think anything of it. It was a long time before I realized that I didn't have to follow everything that he did. I still don't believe that he meant to get me in trouble, but it was just too naïve at the time to understand I didn't have to do everything he did.


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