Chapter 8 - Verbal Communication

Language Evolution

As time goes on, the new generations will find new ways to express themselves verbally using vernacular and slang. 

    "Sometimes people create new phrases, such as helicopter parent, that eventually see wide use. Other        times, speakers of a language borrow words and phrases from other languages and incorporate them        into their own." (Reflect & Relate, p.206)

Sometimes this can create a divide between generation z, and those from older generations. The reason why I believe slang is so jarring to the older generations, is due to how rapid new language is created, and dies. Because of how quick things can travel over the internet, as new words come into the picture, they spread like wildfire, and are soon used by millions of people across the globe. With this vernacular being used by so many people, so often, and so quickly, its usage becomes exhausted, and it's no longer common to use it. 
    When the older generations were at the age generation z is now, their vernacular tended to spread a lot slower, and last a lot longer, due to their lack of access to online communication. Because of this, older generations are likely overwhelmed, because they are not used to seeing slang come and go at such speed. 


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