Chapter 9 - Nonverbal Communication

 Affect Displays

Affect displays are micro-expressions that we flash in a fraction of a second while communicating. These micro-expressions convey our true emotions and intentions to those we are communicating with. These function regardless of whether we want them to or not, and they show what is really going on inside our heads. 

    "Infants in the first few weeks of life instinctively and reflexively display facial expressions of distress,     disgust, and interest." (Reflect & Relate, p.248)

    An example of a time where I was able to see and sort out an affect display was when I was playing the card game "Uno" with one of my friends. This friend in particular liked to try and cheat us during the game, because he thinks its funny to try and see what he can get away with. One time I thought I saw him hide one of his cards under his seat when he thought no one was looking, and when I asked if he hid any cards under himself, he replied "no," but he flashed the slight hint of a smile. From this tiny expression, I was able to determine that he had just lied to me, and we all laughed when he stood up and revealed a card that he was sitting on. This micro-expression he had shown, was him admitting to guilt subconsciously.


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