Chapter 11 - Romantic Relationships


After taking a love language test, I scored highest in quality time, which was what I expected. Part of the quality time that I enjoy is being close to the other person. Proximity just entails being near a loved one, regardless if you are doing anything, or simply just sitting next to each other. When I feel close to someone, all I need to do to enhance my love for this person is to simply hang out with them.

    "Like Pat and Tiffany, you’re likely to feel more attracted to those with whom you have frequent                 contact and less attracted to those with whom you interact rarely" (Reflect & Relate, p.259)

When I was in a relationship with my girlfriend at the time, we could just sit in the same room as each other, and we would enjoy each others presence. We didn't even need to talk, we just needed each other's company. Unfortunately, when we broke up, it was because of COVID. When we couldn't hang out with each other for all that time, we inevitably lost feelings for each other. Now that COVID is over, however; if I were to have another relationship, I would make sure to spend time within proximity of my loved one. 


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